Information for New Secondary School Students
New Year 7 Students:
Commence Tuesday, 28 January 2025 (Orientation Day - normal school hours.)
New Years 8 to 11 Students:
Attend the Orientation Day on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am (Orientation Morning - half day)
New Year 12 Students:
Commence Tuesday, 28 January 2025 (RAVE Retreat -normal school hours)
All current and new students in the Secondary School will officially commence on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
All new Year 8 to 11 students are required to attend the Orientation Session.
Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Time: 9:00 am to 11:30 am
Venue: To meet outside the Ken Thamm Centre (KTC)/Library.
What to Wear: Please wear your House uniform.
What to Bring: Stationery pack and College purchased combination lock.
Note: The College will provide Morning Tea
The orientation session will allow our new students to:
- Meet their House Leader (House Group) and see their House Group room.
- Be assigned a locker and store their stationery.
- Collect their laptop device (parents - please ensure that the Device User Agreement has been completed. This can be located by clicking here. Please note that if the agreement is not completed and signed, we cannot issue the device).
- Become familiar with some of the key software used at the College, such as SEQTA, Outlook, OneNote and Teams.
- Receive their Timetables and become acquainted with the facilities and classrooms.
We hope that this introductory session affords a meaningful opportunity for our new Year 8 to 11 students to become acquainted with some key staff and procedures prior to commencing with regular school routines on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
The College will issue all student devices, which are incorporated into your fees, as a 1:1 rental program (over three years). Please note BYO is not an option.
New Year 7 to 12 students will receive their devices during orientation.
Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 students will receive an iPad and MacBook Air laptop when they start.
Years 8 and 12 will receive a Lenovo Think Pad at the orientation session.
It's important that the 1:1 Device Agreement form is completed before we can provide your child with their device. Click here to complete the form (if not already done so).
Welcome to our new school App. From the latest school news to updates on cocurricular activities and events to marking your child's absentees (yes, no more phone calls to student services to mark your child absent!). You will also be able to access your parent portal, SEQTA Engage and the college calendar right from the app.
To get started:
- Download: Visit the App Store on your device and search for "Immanuel School App". Tap on the install button. It's as simple as that! If you already have the app downloaded, delete and reinstall the app on your mobile phone.
- Login: Once you’ve installed the app, you must use your Immanuel parent portal credentials to log in. Please note that you will not receive your login details until your child actually starts school. I will email all new families in the first week of the new school year to advise them of their login details.
- Notifications: To ensure you never miss out on any important updates, turn on your notifications. Go to 'Settings' on your device, find the Immanuel School App, tap 'Notifications', and toggle the switch to 'Allow Notifications'. You’ll also need to make sure you’ve got notifications on inside the app itself.
- Subscriptions: To customise the information you receive, select your subscriptions. After logging in, go to 'Subscriptions' in the app menu and choose the areas that interest you. You can select as many as you like and change these at any time. If you don’t change these, you will get notifications for ALL cocurricular activities, year levels, sports, etc.
Click to View Video
Subject textbooks are loaned through the Library and are inclusive of the fees.
Textbooks will be collected from the Innovation Hub (Library) during Home Group in the first week of school.
All new students from P-12 will have their Student Photo ID's taken in the first couple of weeks after school commences. This will be done during the school day.
All new Secondary School students must ensure they have purchased a lock for their locker from the College Shop.
Combination locks are recommended, as we can open them via a master key should the combination be forgotten.
We encourage students to become familiar with their combination locks and to have lots of practice opening them before school commences.
Locker allocation for students entering Years 8 to 12 will be provided at the Orientation Session.
The Year 7s will be issued their lockers when they commence.
Secondary Students (Years 7 to 12) are advised to refer to their printed timetables noting where they have a double HPE or Sports and Activity lesson.
When there is a double PE lesson, students must bring their sports uniform to the College and change before their lesson.
All Secondary School students wear their formal summer uniform for the first day of school.
Start: 8:25 am Finish: 3:10 pm
Parking in the first couple weeks of a new school year can be busy. To keep the traffic flowing, we will have our staff guiding traffic in the first two weeks of the first term.
Secondary School parents are encouraged to park near the A J Jericho Stadium. To keep traffic flowing, we request parents remain in their cars at the drop-off and turn-around points.
The Immanuel Early Learning Centre Car Park (out the front of the Main Administration Building) is strictly off-limits for College families to park and drop off unless they have a child in the IELC.
Please be aware that students are required to store their mobile phones securely in their lockers between 8:25 am and 3:10 pm and should not have them on their person during the school day.
Students are permitted to use debit cards for purchases at the cafe or through Flexischools, but using their phones for payment is prohibited.
Mobile phones that are seen in use will be subject to confiscation.
All new students are allocated to one of our four Sports Houses:
Bribie (red), Moreton (green), Stradbroke (blue), and K'gari Fraser (yellow).
Siblings and students of ILC Alumni are always placed in the same House.
New students' House allocations are advised when you are purchasing uniforms from the College Shop. It will be listed on their system.
2025 Fee Schedule will be released later in NovemberThe
Fees are paid using one of the three payment options noted below.
- Pay the annual amount no later than the first Friday of Term 1 and receive an early payment discount.
- Semester Invoice – full semester amount payable no later than the first Friday of Term 1 and Term 3 each year.
- Direct debit payment plan – Weekly or fortnightly direct debit payment plans can be arranged with the Business Office.
You can commence a payment plan with the College at any time prior to commencing at the College. The College manages the Direct Debit payment plan and does not attract any additional fees for paying by this option.
If Your child does not commence at the College, any monies paid will be promptly returned to you. If you start this in the earlier years, it can certainly add up and assist as you move into the Secondary School Years.
You are welcome to make additional one-off payments during the year to build credit towards future years.
For those with more than one child at the College, some families pay for any one child upfront to take advantage of an early payment discount and spread the remaining balance over the year through the College Direct Debit Payment Plan.
Date claimer: Thursday, 27 February 2025 (5:30 pm-7:00 pm)
An invitation will be emailed closer to the date with details.
It is a wonderful opportunity to network and meet other new (and existing) parents who have a child/ren starting in 2025. I encourage you to come along to this event.
Each year level has its own Facebook page where parents can connect and share information. This is a great resource and especially helpful when new to the College.
Below are the year-level links that you can click on and ask to join:
Year 7 Year 8 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Year 12 |
Login details will be emailed to all new parents in the first week of Term 1, 2025.
It's important to keep this email safe as it will contain your password and login details to sign into the Parent Portal (SEQTA).
SEQTA is a gateway to your child's academic reports, fee statements, notices and academic timetable.
Please download the College App, which will have an icon to take you to the Parent Portal.
For those who haven't done so, please forward copies of your child's Semester 2, 2024 reports and 2024 NAPLAN results (if applicable) to the Enrolment Registrar.
Students who arrive late and miss their House Group roll call must sign in at Student Services.
Parents who need to arrange for their child's early departure can make the request via email or a phone call to either the Secondary School Office or the student's House Leader.
If a student must leave the College early, they have the option to sign out at either the Secondary School Office or the Student Services Office.
We will verify that prior approval for early departure has been granted, and your child can then meet with you at a predetermined pickup location.
If your child will be absent, please let us know through the College App. Simply tap on the Absentees icon, then enter your child’s name, the date and time they’ll be away, and the reason for their absence. We’d appreciate it if you could double-check the details before submitting.
We also have an Absentee Line number is 5477 3459.
School term dates are published early to help families plan holidays outside of term time. If a student needs to miss school due to exceptional circumstances, permission must be sought from the Head of Sub-school in writing. During any absence, students are expected to keep up with schoolwork and submit assignments due in that period.
For Secondary School, mid-term absences, particularly for holidays, disrupt learning and are classified as “unauthorised” for government reporting. Holiday absences do not qualify for assessment exemptions, which can negatively affect academic results. Families are encouraged to schedule trips during the school’s designated holiday periods, as teachers cannot provide additional resources for students missing class time.
However, for unavoidable absences such as illness, accidents, bereavement, or family emergencies, the College aims to minimise the impact on the student’s learning. Further details are available from the Primary and Secondary School Offices.
Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld), parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children attend school, and if your child is likely to be absent from school for more than 10 consecutive school days (e.g. holiday, illness), prior approval must be obtained from the Principal. An Application for Exemption form can be obtained either from Student Services, Secondary School Administration or the Enrolments Registrar.
EFTPOS payments are accepted at the Cafe.
Alternatively, recess and lunch orders can be lodged online (refer to information regarding Flexischools), and orders must be placed before 9:00 am. The Cafe operates from Monday to Friday. The menu is available via Flexischools.
Flexischools cashless card system links a student’s existing school ID card to their Flexischools account, allowing them to purchase securely without the need for cash.
A Flexischools account can be set up online and pre-loaded the account with funds. Students make purchases at the Tuckshop by scanning/ swiping their card at the cash register. On-screen photo ID security protects your account from lost or stolen cards.
- Parents can view their children’s purchases online and can set a daily spending limit.
- Students pay with cashless card, and funds are debited from your Flexischools account.
1. Register for Flexischools by clicking here.
2. Add your child, their school and class to get started. If you are registering before your child commences you will need to select “New Starter” when you are asked what class they are in.
3. Top-up your account via Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or direct deposit.
4. Add the student ID card by selecting ‘set-up card number.' This is located on the ‘My Students’ page under the link used to start an order. Enter the number from your child’s student ID card and click ‘save.'
5. Set a daily spending limit in the student profile section to control spending via cashless card.
STAS (School Transport Assistance Scheme) school bus pass applications for the 2025 school year.
Parents/Carers will need to apply for a new school bus pass if their students are -
• Starting at a new school in 2025
• Moving into Year 7 at their current school in 2025
• Residing at a new address in 2025
Parents/Carers will not need to apply for a school bus pass if their students are already bus pass holders and are (a) staying at the same school and (b) residing at the same address.
Parents/Carers can apply for STAS online here http://www.qld.gov.au/schooltransportassistance
Additional Information
Please contact STASDigital.Helpdesk@tmr.qld.gov.au or 1300 119 289 for technical assistance with your online application.
Please visit our website below for school bus service information.
CDC Sunshine Coast https://cdcqueensland.com.au/bus-services/sunshine-coast-schools/
Phone: (07) 54766622 Email: info.sunshinecoast@cdcbus.com.au
Bus passes will be delivered to the school in the first 2 weeks of term 1 to be distributed to students. A grace period will apply for the first 2 weeks to allow students to receive their bus passes.
Please keep in mind if your student isn't eligible for a school bus pass, you will need to obtain a go Card online or from your closest retailer. For more information, please visit https://translink.com.au/tickets-and-fares/go-card
If you have any queries, please contact:
Emily Meek
School Liaison and Customer Service Co-ordinator
T (07) 5476 6622 M 0459 854 010
A 11 Page Street, KUNDA PARK, QLD 4556
E emily.meek@cdcbus.com.au