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Inspired Career Pathways

Immanuel inspires children to always be their best

Your child’s success is measured not only in their results, but in the adult they become. Choosing the best Sunshine Coast school for your child is about the best opportunities for their unique aspirations. We work to give your child not just the knowledge, but the resilience, curiosity and passion for learning they’ll require to become a successful adult.

When our parents tell us they’ve heard so many ‘good things’ about Immanuel Lutheran College, it’s never just about scores. True success cannot be measured in numbers. At Immanuel, each student’s academic, social and emotional, cultural and spiritual development is a marker of their success, and of ours. Our role is to inspire every child to be the best they can be and that’s how we’ve earned our reputation as a leading school here on the Sunshine Coast.

Book a tour and see how your child will be engaged in a learning experience that inspires them to be their very best selves.

Excellent options for Sunshine Coast Student Career Pathways

We believe that true excellence comes from a child’s sense of achievement. We believe that the whole child is the whole point. We will nurture your child’s talents and encourage their aspirations. Success looks different for each student and it’s our role to help them be the very best they can be.

Immanuel proudly offers more than just academic pathways. Our career pathways program, in conjunction with world-class learning spaces, will nurture your child’s interest in the world around them. Our counsellors and career mentors will give your child every opportunity to be the best they can be, no matter where their passion lies. By attending career expos both on and off campus, listening to a range of guest speakers and participating in programs such as Australian Business Week (ABW), students will be exposed to many different options for their future.


How we bring out the best in your child

Immanuel employs cutting-edge educational methodologies and resources as we strive for our students

We strive for our students to be happy learners, inspired by their teachers, and engaged with the curriculum. This holistic approach has reinforced our commitment to creating better spaces for online, experiential and outdoor learning. It’s transformed our approach and commitment to ‘future-driven’ learning.

For us, a successful graduate has a sense of their place in the world and a realisation that there are many pathways in life. They have the confidence to make their way and to follow their dreams; and they are well grounded with a set of values which are founded in faith, reason and knowledge.

Look at what Immanuel has to offer and how our fees compare for a learning experience that inspires your child to excellence in their journey to adulthood.