Lilly Pilly
Syzygilum Oleosum
Common Name: Lilly Pilly
First Nations Name: Galang-arra (NSW)
Scientific Name: Syzygium Oleosum
Height: 10-15m tall
Bark: Bark rough, prickly with protruding fibres, with horizontal ridges from leaf scars, and vertical fissures.
Leaves: Its glossy green leaves are oval shaped or slightly elongated, to about 12cm long and 4cm wide, with a long pointy tip.
Flowers: The flowers are off-white, fluffy and honey scented, about 25 mm in diameter, and are held in clusters at the ends of stems.
Fruit: Edible blue-purple berries that are 10–25mm in diameter. They are crunchy and light with a mild sweetness.