Latest Blogs
Apply for Instrumental Music Program Years 3 to 12
For information regarding the Instrumental Music Program please click here.
Read MoreTechnology Requirements (Years 4 – 12)
PRIMARY – IPAD DEVICES (YEARS 4 to 6) – OUT OF THE BOX SESSION: New Primary School students from Years 4 to 6 will be allocated their devices on Friday, 21 January 2022 at 8.30 to 10am in the library.
Read MoreNew Families Welcome Evening TBA
We hope to host an informal gathering of families who have had students starting in 2022. This evening will be an opportunity to meet fellow parents and key contacts in our community. At this stage we hope to hold this event either at the end of Term 1, or early in Term 2.
Read MoreOur Student Wellbeing Team
Directors of Wellbeing Tim French and Shaun Cleary take a proactive role to ensure all children have the resources to become well-rounded individuals equipped to face life’s adventures and challenges. That means reaching out to students who may be struggling to overcome social or emotional challenges.
Read MoreChaplaincy at Immanuel
College Chaplain Gayla Mathews lends an ear, a helping hand and an open heart to our students. Gayla is available to the Immanuel community as a listener and as someone who can offer support and guidance in matters of life, heart and faith. Gayla facilitates Worship and devotional support from Prep to Year 12.
Read MoreLearning Enhancement Program
anuel Lutheran College offers excellent outdoor education programs from a setting of 23 hectares of Immanuel Lutheran College knows that every child’s learning needs are different and when children’s learning requirements are not met, they may become disengaged.
Read MoreOutdoor Education at Immanuel
Immanuel Lutheran College offers excellent outdoor education programs from a setting of 23 hectares of rainforest, complete with waterways and boardwalks. Outdoor education at Immanuel provides students with educator-lead, hands-on opportunities to experience the natural world around them.
Read MoreWhat is Mt Binga Camp all About?
Immanuel’s camp at Mt Binga Outdoor Education Centre is a month-long experience where students learn a variety of important life skills while undertaking physical challenges and outdoor adventure activities.
Read MoreLutheran vs Catholic Education
Your child’s future will be influenced greatly by the school they attend. Choosing the right school is one of the biggest decisions a parent must make. But there are so many things to consider.
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