
Eupomatia laurina

 Common name: Native guava/ Bolwarra 

First nations name: Bolwarra 

Scientific name: Eupomatia laurina
Height: 3-5m tall 

Leaves: The bolwarra plant has large glossy leaves 

Flowers: Heavily scented, cream-coloured flowers 

Fruit: The flowers have a sweet fruity smell and an edible creamy pulp and many seeds (like a guava). You can tell that they are ripe when they are soft to squeeze. 

First Nations uses: This fruit is used as a food source for many different dishes. 

Geographical location:  It grows naturally in eastern Australia and New Guinea 

Conservation status: Least concern 

Photo & Research by: Jules  

Interesting fact:

The cream flowers have a strong fragrance to attract pollinators, which for this plant is a beetle (small brown weevil). As it is reliant on a single genus of weevil for pollination, it is considered a relict plant. If this genera of weevils experience a significant decline, due to increased use of pesticides or changing environmental conditions, the bolwarra could eventually become at risk of extinction.