Native Mint

Mentha satureioides 

Common Name: Native mint 

Scientific Name: Mentha satureioides 

Height: Grows to around 20cm tall, functioning primarily as ground cover .

Leaves: Small, aromatic, and green.

Flowers: This plants flowers also attracts bees during the hotter months, however the plant is most fresh and tasty in the cooler months. 

First Nations Uses: Tea, Insect repellent, Used in scrubs or lotions. 

Culinary uses: salad, sauce, sorbet.
Geographical Location: This exquisite plant is native to Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia. By this you can see that this plant grows right over the whole of Australia. However, this plant especially grows nearby:   
Banks of rivers, Creeks, Open forests, Pastures, Shade   

Research and photos: by Sophie
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Interesting Fact

The species is hermaphrodite which means it has both male and female organs and is pollinated by Insects.