Australian Native Violet
Viola Banksii or Viola Hederacea
Common name: Australian Native Violet
Scientific name: Viola Banksii or Viola Hederacea
Height: The native violet’s mature height can vary from 5-15cm throughout the warmer parts of the year.
Leaves: The leaves are small and fan-shaped, bright green in colour and edible with a faint watermelon-peppery taste. The leaves can be used in salads, vinegars, teas, pesto, and soups as a thickener.
Flowers: Small, purple and white. The flowers appear mainly in the warmer months, but the plant is rarely seen without some flowers even in Autumn. The flowers are edible and can add colour and flavour to salads, desserts, and baked goods. Flowers can also be frozen into ice cubes or crystallised as decorations.
Fruit: Capsules, typically white to pale green in colour, up to 6 mm long and containing glossy purplish-black seeds.