
Gahnia Sieberiana 

Common name: Sawsedge 

Scientific name: Gahnia Sieberiana 

Height: The Sawsedge plant can grow up to 2m.  

Leaves: The plant has long arching leaves that are rough on its edges. 

Flowers: The plant has black flower heads which contrast with its shiny reddish-brown seeds.   

First Nations Uses: A source of food and raw materials used in the production of baskets, mats and string. The Sawsedge seeds were finely ground to produce a flour which was traditionally used to make a type of bread. You can also eat the bottom white leaf part of the Sawsedge plant.

Geographical location: It is found in QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS. 

Conservation status: Least concern  

Photo & Research by: Maisy  