Whip Vine

Flagellaria indica 

Common Name: Whip Vine 

Scientific Name: Flagellaria indica 

Height: 15m high climbing in a tree. 

Form: Scrambling vine with cane-like stems. 

Leaves: Leaves are 10 to 40 centimetres long, and .5 to 3cm wide. 

Flowers: Small white flowers. 

Fruit: Pinkish-white berries in Summer or Autumn. 

First Nations uses: The vine can be used for basket weaving, fishing nets, nets and ropes for climbing, various medicinal applications. Young leaf shoots can be used as vegetables. 

Whip Vine_01
Geographical location: Flagellaria is native to tropical Africa, Sri Lanka, through tropical South-East Asia, Melanesia, to North Australia, and the Pacific Islands. 

Conservation status: Least concern 

Photo & Research by: James  

Interesting fact:

It has many names such False Rattan, Whip Vine, Bull cane, Flagellraia and the Supplejack.