College Shop Uniform Bookings*
Uniform fittings are arranged by prior appointment in 30-minute time slots. Appointments can be made by contacting the College Shop on 5477 3457 or via email at patersond@immanuel.qld.edu.au
1.5 hours is generally enough time for a family of 4 + children patersond@immanuel.qld.edu.au
Information relating to College Shop trading hours, uniform price lists, etc. can be viewed on our website. Click here.
Uniform Timetable
Families will receive a uniform timetable, advising which uniforms are required to be worn during the week.
Secondary Students (Years 7-12) are advised to refer to their printed timetables noting where they have a double HPE or Sports and Activity lesson. On these days they will be required to bring their sports uniform to the College and change into that prior to their lesson.