Inspiring Leadership in High School
Instilling future-ready leadership qualities

Immanuel Lutheran College provides one of the most progressive and future-focused educational experiences on the Sunshine Coast. How? A cutting-edge learning framework centred on integrating self and cognition systems and a transition to purpose-built spaces that cultivate a mindset of collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship amongst all students.
Your child needs to prepare for a future that will be collaborative, nimble and ever-changing. For the entirety of your child’s educational journey at Immanuel, they will experience education in a future-focused context, emphasising lifelong learning and contemporary leadership skills. Immanuel Lutheran College has committed to teaching methodologies that engage your children in creative and critical thinking practices, develop strong communication and leadership skills, strengthen a ‘global community’ mindset and encourage your young adults to take the lead in developing new interests and pursuing new achievements.

Inspiring motivation and leadership in high school students
Across all areas of learning, students can take on leadership roles, assisting their peers and younger students to achieve their goals. We offer extra-curricular programs across the sciences, arts, social responsibility and sports, giving young leaders the chance to develop their natural talents. Where your child’s passions lie, Immanuel delivers the right opportunities.

Collaborative leadership in business and STEM subjects
Your child will experience maths, business and design in a way that connects the theoretical with real-world problem solving. Our school prioritises opportunities for student leadership in high school through project-based learning which is designed for tackling problems as a team. This allows for peer-based understanding of the curriculum and its applications beyond the classroom. We invite you to see for yourself the powerful difference this approach is making.

Personal development to uncover leadership qualities
Our Year 9 students undertake a transformative program called The Rite Journey. The Rite Journey is a year-long contemporary approach to helping teens make the leap towards adulthood, addressing questions around who the student really is, what they have to offer the world, how to navigate relationships and understanding life’s big questions.
Our Mt Binga Outdoor Education Centre personal development camp is 100% unique and 100% life changing for our Year 10 students. All Year 10 ILC students undertake a four-week personal development camp at our second campus, Mt Binga. During this time, your child will learn self-sufficiency (yes, they have to do their own laundry!) while undertaking orienteering and problem-solving challenges with their peers. The Mt Binga experience transforms your child into a young adult. Mt Binga uncovers their natural leadership skills and fast-tracks them over a single, intensive and life-changing month.